
How Central European Music Emerged. The Case of Krakow

Online přednáška v rámci cyklu Early Music in Central Europe

Datum konání
5. 12. 2024, 16:00 – 5. 12. 2024, 17:30
Místo konání
Online (Zoom)

Dne 5. prosince 2024 od 16:00 se uskuteční další přednáška v rámci mezinárodního přednáškového cyklu „Early Music in Central Europe“ (online), kterou tentokrát přednese dr. Jakub Kubieniec (Krakov) na téma „How Central European Liturgical Traditions Emerged. The Case of Krakow”.

Přednáška proběhne online přes platformu Zoom, bezplatná registrace je možná přes formulář do 4. 12. 2024.


The origins of local liturgical and musical traditions in Central Europe are not easy to discern. Concordances with other regional uses usually create intricate patterns of dependencies, interpretation of which may be ambiguous and risky. Study of the sources from Kraków reveal similar complexity in this respect but some observations concerning the emergence of the local tradition can be attempted. Interestingly, research on selected components of the repertoire (antiphoner, homiliary, sequences) suggests that paths of transmission of various types of texts may have been different.

Jakub Kubieniec graduated from and teaches at the Institute of Musicology, Jagiellonian University of Krakow. His research is focused on Polish medieval music. His publications include editions of offices for St. Stanislaus (2015), St. John the Almsgiver (2016) and St. Wenceslaus (2017) and a volume of CAO-ECE (Kraków/Temporale; in collaboration with Zsuzsa Czagány, 2018).

Organizers: Masaryk Institute and Archives, Czech Academy of Sciences – Institute of Musicology, Slovak Academy of Sciences – Institute of Musicology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungary – Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences
