
Bulharsko-české kulturní a vědecké vztahy v 19. a 20. století na základě dokumentace v archivech BAN a AV ČR

Kód projektu
Typ projektu
Mobilitní projekty
Rok zahájení
Rok ukončení - konsolidovaný
Řešitel/ka v MÚA
Jan Rychlík
Hlavní příjemce
Masarykův ústav a Archiv AV ČR
This project focuses on providing access to sources on the history of Czech-Bulgarian relations involving science and scholarship in the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. The output will be a catalogue of Bohemica in the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Archive in Sofia and Bulgarica in the Czech Academy of Sciences Archive in Prague. Preparations will begin for an annotated edition of the diaries of Czech historian and Balkanist Konstantin Jireček (1854–1918), who was a key figure in his day on relations between the Czechs and Bulgarians. The project will include a conference on the life strategies of scientists and scholars in the latter half of the 19th century.