
We've been through this. Educational web portal (not only) for seniors about historical crises and overcoming them

The web portal This Is What We've Been Through is a new open digital platform for distance learning for seniors in historical sciences and related fields. The theme of the web portal is historical crises and overcoming crisis moments in human life and society with the help of historical memory. The documentary roadmovie This Is What We've Been Through focuses on topics of great social relevance: natural disasters, public health, civil protection and economic crises. The didactic videos Sources Online encourage seniors to work with source documents in a digital environment. The active approach of the users of the web portal is supported by the possibility to share their own textual, visual and audiovisual documents. Through the web portal, we contribute to a wider accessibility of senior education, which has been enormously affected by the pandemic of covid-19.

Project Team:


doc. PhDr. Martin Jemelka, Ph.D.

Masaryk Institute and Archives of the CAS, v. v. i.

The project was supported by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (project No. TL04000233, Seniors - bearers of historical memory of the 20th century: distance education of the third age in historical sciences in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic; solution period 1 December 2020 - 30 November 2022).

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