Mgr. Nikola Tohma, Ph.D.
- T. G. Masaryk
- History of Scientific Institutions in Czechoslovakia after 1952
- 2014–2021 PhD, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University; Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- 2011–2014 MA, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University
- 2008–2011 BA, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University
Research interests
Labour migration and refugeedom in socialist Czechoslovakia
Research projects
- Migration and Us: Mobility, Refugees, and Borders from the Perspective of the Humanities, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, main investigator in MIA CAS 2025–2028
- Slow Memory: Transformative Practices for Times of Uneven and Accelerating Change (SlowMemo), COST Action, since 2023
- Unlikely refuge? Refugees and citizens in East-Central Europe in the 20th century, ERC Consolidator Grant, Research fellow, 09/2019–Present
- Beyond Hegemonic Narratives and Myths. Troubled Pasts in the History and Memory of East-Central and South-East Europe, PRIMUS Project (Charles University grants), co-investigator, 2017–2021
- Comparative Approaches to Conspiracy Theories, COST Action, co-investigator, 2016–2019
- “We had to live, we had to survive somehow...” Jews in Greece, 1944–2012, Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, co-investigator, 2016–2018
Fellowships abroad
- 07–08/2022: Humboldt Foundation in Berlin
- 01/2019: Humboldt University of Berlin
- 11/2018: Istanbul Technical University
- 03–05/2018: Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP)
- 05–06/2017: PRIO Cyprus Centre – Peace Research Institute (Nicosia)
- 02/2017: Basel University
- 09/2016: Panteion University (Athens)
- 02–05/2015: University of Macedonia (Thessaloniki)
- 09/2013: Vilnius University
Publication list at MIA CAS in ASEP: here
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
- Tohma, Nikola. “The Role of Martyrdom and Victimhood in the Memory of the Greek Civil War Refugees in Czechoslovakia through the Prism of ‘Refugee’ Literature”. Journal of Modern European History 22, 2 (2024): 188–205.
- Tohma Nikola, and Julia Reinke. “Like we would help brothers or sisters”? Practising Solidarity with Greek Civil War Refugees in Socialist Czechoslovakia and the GDR in the Shadow of World War II. International Review of Social History, 69, S32 (2024): 13–41.
- Karasová Nikola, and Kateřina Králová, “The Holocaust Museum of Greece, Thessaloniki: In Whose Memory?,” Nationalities Papers 51, 3 (2023): 622–643.
- Karasová, Nikola, Karin Hofmeisterová, a Miroslava Jasenčáková. ‘The Holy and Great Council and Its Implications for the Orthodox Unity: The Perspective of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Orthodox Church Of Greece’, Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 72, 1–2 (2020): 145–180.
- Karasová, Nikola. Řecký antikomunismus z pohledu protikomunistické legislativy (1917–1967) [Greek anti-communism from the perspective of anti-communist legislation (1917–1967)], Neograeca Bohemica 19 (2019): 48–68.
- Karasová, Nikola. ‘Řecká pravoslavná církev a její interpretace řecké ekonomické krize [The Orthodox Church of Greece and its Interpretation of the Greek Economic Crisis]’, Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Studia Territorialia (2016): 64–86.
- Karasová, Nikola. ‘Lidový svaz – Zlatý úsvit: Řecká krajní pravice v době krize [People's Association – Golden Dawn: Greek Far-Right in Times of Crisis]’, Neograeca Bohemica 16 (2016): 73–98.
- Karasová, Nikola. ‘Současná řecká krajní pravice v historické perspektivě [Contemporary Greek Far-Right in Historical Perspective]’, Slovanský přehled 101, 2 (2015): 357–385.
- Karasová, Nikola. ‘Průběh a důsledky řecké krize [Evolution of the Greek Economic Crisis and Its Consequences]’, Neograeca Bohemica 14 (2014): 89–104.
Book chapters
- Tohma, Nikola. ‘Statelessness and Social Citizenship of Greek Civil War Refugees in Post-1948 Communist Czechoslovakia’. In Reimagining Citizenship in Postwar Europe, eds. Rachel Chin and Samuel Clowes Huneke, 115–142. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2025.
- Karasová, Nikola. ‘Sankční politika EU a USA [EU and US Sanctions Policy]’. In Ruská agrese proti Ukrajině [Russian Agression against Ukraine], edited by Jan Šír, 202–219. Praha: Karolinum, 2017.
- Karasová, Nikola. ‘Řecko [Greece]’. In Populismus v časech krize [Populism in the Time of Crisis], edited by Michal Kubát, Martin Mejstřík and Jiří Kocian, 24–38. Praha: Karolinum, 2017.
- Karasová, Nikola. ‘Bělorusko [Belarus]’. In Návraty: Poválečná rekonstrukce židovských komunit v zemích středovýchodní, jihovýchodní a východní Evropy [Returns: Postwar Reconstruction of Jewish Communities in Central East, South East and East Europe], edited by Kateřina Králová and Hana Kubátová, 271–285. Praha: Karolinum, 2016.
- Králová, Kateřina, and Nikola Karasová. ‘Řecká krize a zahraniční intervence [Greek Crisis and Foreign Intervention]’. In Prekolonialismus, kolonialismus a postkolonialismus: Impéria a ti ostatní ve východní a jihovýchodní Evropě [Precolonialism, Colonialism and Postcolonialism: Empires and the Others in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe], edited by. Stanislav Tumis and Hanuš Nykl, 67-84. Praha: FF UK, 2015.
- Králová, Kateřina, and Nikola Karasová. ‘Reparationsforderungen: Umfang, Rechtsfragen, politische Rahmenbedingungen’. In Die Krise in Griechenland: Ursprünge, Verlauf, Folgen, edited by Ulf-Dieter Klemm and Wolfgang Schultheiß, Schriftenreihe (Bd. 1608), 299–325. Bonn: BPB, 2015.
Public History Articles
- Nikola Tohma, „Jako bychom byli knížata“. Řecké děti v Československu a jejich vnímání pobytu v dětských domovech, Dějiny a současnost 2 (2024), 15–19.
- Karasová, Nikola and Julia Reinke. Soudruzi, nebo uprchlíci? Děti řecké občanské války v NDR a Československu [Comrades or Refugees? Children of the Greek Civil War in the GDR and Czechoslovakia], Dějiny a současnost 5 (2021): 15–18.
- Tohma, Nikola. ‘Konstantinos TSIVOS, Hybridní „lidově“ demokratické Řecko. Dějiny Komunistické strany Řecka v období 1945–1956.’ Slovanský přehled 110 (2024): 446–450.
- Karasová, Nikola. “Jana Poláková. Dva životy, dvě kultury, dvě země. Řekové na českém území od 2. poloviny 20. století do současnosti.” Neograeca Bohemica 21 (2021): 101–104.
- Karasová, Nikola. ‘Jan KOURA. Rozdělený ostrov. Studená válka a kyperská otázka v letech 1960–1974.’ Český časopis historický (2020): 519–522.