Archival fonds of scientific societies operating since the 1950s at the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. Some of these societies were completely newly established, others were created by forced reorganisation of older corporations. Many of these societies continue their activities today, only loosely associated in the Council of Scientific Societies of the Czech Republic. National Committees are bodies of experts in a particular scientific field, representing the national scientific community of that field in relation to foreign scientific unions and to foreign countries in general. For the sake of completeness, the relevant archival fonds in the possession of the T. G. Masaryk Institute are also listed here.
Diplomy, základní dokumenty Společnosti E. Beneše, zápisy ze schůzí, zprávy o činnosti, záznamy o akcích, korespondence, dokumentační sbírky.
Zápisy ze schůzí, zprávy, publikace ústavu, rukopisy, korespondence, dokumentační fotografie E. Beneše.